Welcome to our Governors’ section.
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories and an end of term date.
Governing bodies have three main roles:
- Provide strategic direction for the school
- To act as a critical friend of the Headteacher, who is responsible for the day to day management of the school and the Staff
- To ensure accountability
Governors are all volunteers and with the exception of the Headteacher, serve a four-year term after which they can seek re-election or re-appointment.
Governor meetings are generally held three times a term - one meeting for each of the two main committees of Finance Personnel and Premises and Curriculum. There is a termly Full Governing Body meeting (FGB) where the work of the committees is reviewed and leadership decisions are made.
Meetings are clerked and minutes of the meetings can be viewed in the school office.
The governing body is supported in its work by Mrs Sarah Smith the consortium finance manager.
Governors can be contacted via the school office and welcome your comments and ideas.
Governors 2023/24
Sharon Vessey - Headteacher
Ben Stickley | Joint Chair - Parent Governor - Term of Office March 2023 |
Adele Ward | Parent Governor - Term of Office April 2023 |
Claire Pearce | Parent Governor - Term of Office September 2027 |
Valerie Cullen |
Co-Opted Governor - Term of Office April 2025 |
Julie Saint | Co-Opted Governor - Term of Office June 2025 |
Carolyn Field |
Staff Governor - Term of Office October 2025 |
Revd Colin Fairweather | Foundation/Ex Officio |
Emlyn Humphries | Co-Opted Governor - Term of Office October 2026 |
Angela Cook Associate Governor - Term of Office 2027
Kathryn Leader Parent Governor - Term of Office 2027
Governors hold an important public office and their identity should be known to their school and wider communities. In the interests of transparency, all governors are required to make an annual declaration of any relevant business and pecuniary interests that could represent a conflict of interest when exercising their role as a governor. These declarations are recorded in a register which is open to public inspection with the same information also available on the website.
At the start of each meeting of the governing body governors are invited to declare any new, relevant interests since their most recent annual declaration was made and, if there are any, both the register and the information on the website will be updated.
Business Interests include: Directorships, Partnerships and Employments with businesses that may provide goods or services to the school.
Pecuniary Interests include: Any relationship between governors and members of the school staff including spouses, partners and other relatives.
In the interests of transparency, all school staff who have responsibility for school financial arrangements and actions are required to make an annual declaration of any relevant business and pecuniary interests that could represent a conflict of interest when exercising their role. These declarations are recorded in a register which is open to public inspection with the same information also available on the website.