Welcome from the Head Teacher
It is my pleasure to warmly welcome you to Birchanger C of E Primary School. We are a small, church school, in the heart of Birchanger Village, which really does celebrate our school ethos of 'Life in all its fullness' (John 10:10). We pride ourselves on our nurturing culture and knowing all our children and families. We are fortunate to have a diverse school community and our families come from our village, the surrounding area and countries further afield.
Our school ethos and culture are reflective of 'Life in all its fullness' and are communicated through our four Birchanger 'Bs'. These are:
Believing - this is the foundation for the other 'Bs' and embodies our Christian Values, of Love, Care, Courage and Truth, and our British Values. We believe in providing children with a moral compass and teaching them the values of kindness, respect and thankfulness.
Being My Best - this embodies having a positive relationship with ourselves and others, striving to do our best in all we do, having integrity and wisdom, and being accountable for our actions. It is also about looking after our physical wellbeing and being active.
Being Creative – this embraces living life to the full, being happy and positive, having hope and having fun! It is about looking after our mental wellbeing and finding and celebrating our strengths through creativity - inside and outside the classroom.
Belonging - this is celebrating our diverse school community and building links with our local community. It is about standing up for causes we believe in, learning about our wider, global community, and appreciating our wonderful world.
It is through the four Birchanger 'Bs' that we offer the children an exciting, vibrant curriculum in which all children can flourish. We encourage our children to take on leadership roles and, along with the Head Girl and Head Boy, we have a school council for each Birchanger 'B'. As a school we not only strive for every child to fulfil their potential, both socially and academically, but also for every child to be happy and to enjoy school. We provide the children with rich experiences through our enrichment programme of trips, visitors, sport, music and forest school, and believe that our vision, values and curriculum enable our children to become happy, healthy, life-long learners who leave ready to take an active role in the development of our modern society.
We are very proud of our school and, if you are a prospective parent, we strongly encourage you to visit us where you will receive a warm welcome.
Mrs Sharon Vessey, Headteacher
If you require a paper copy of any of the information on this website, please contact our School Business Manager, Mrs Carolyn Field on admin@birchanger.essex.sch.uk.