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Birchanger Church of England VC Primary School

Life in All Its Fullness

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Birchanger Church of England VC Primary School

Life in All Its Fullness


Gold sports award 2021 22



The School Games Mark Award is awarded to schools who have a School Games Organiser (Jackie Coleman, based at Saffron Walden County High School) and a Supporting School Games Organiser (Carron Parrish, for the Stansted Schools). We pay a small amount (from our Sports Premium Money, which is given to each school from the government) for a huge amount of work from these ladies to organise events between the Stansted Group of schools and then between Newport, Saffron Walden and Dunmow schools. For the award details of what our SGO and SSGO do is a key element. The meetings we have, Carron coming in to do cheerleading and supporting the PE Lead, Jackie organising free Essex cricket coaching, Nick coming in to do Scootfit and girls football, Steve and Mark doing Learn to Ride, dance support and many zoom challenges!

Part of achieving this award is for the PE Lead to coordinate all of this and to keep a record of everything that we do each year, then detail all of this on the School Games Website. This year the criteria and everything we had to write about included some of the PE and exercise competitions we had completed through lockdowns. It also included the things we had completed for the Commonwealth Games (Birmingham 2022 – 28th July to 8th August) and the UEFA Women’s Euros – assemblies, Fencing Commonwealth winner visitor, design a baton and one of our Best of British; Alex Scott information.

As a school we do a variety of sports to support all of our children and these are all detailed in the criteria for this award. From our Make a Mile each day, skipping club, Superheroes Club, Mental Well Being, horse riding, archery and focused activities at lunchtimes, table tennis, Kitteridge Sports skills based PE lessons, dodgeball club, listening to the pupils and supplying a basketball post, developing the trim trail, tunnel and bike track area, listening to pupils about games and activities for Summer lunchtimes, visitors coming in to teach a variety of activities, gardening club, the staff teaching dance, gymnastics and athletics, extending the children’s independent learning by filming the first session and then the last and allowing the children to explain how they have developed and improved. Most importantly offering Forest School sessions for all our children at the school, an integral part of Outdoor Learning and children being outside in a wonderful environment.

We have been able to get back to swimming lessons and to support those children in KS2 who had no access to lessons during Covid. We are working to get everyone to 25m back and front. A real attribute to our school is always the Sports Ambassadors (who are given training by our SSGO) and who are willing to try new ideas and support Sports Day. Yet another brilliant event for our children.

We also record what certificates and awards our pupils bring into assemblies for their participation at clubs. For instance Beavers, Cubs, trampolining, dance and theatre, football, netball, golf, karate, gymnastics and so many more. Thank you for all your support.

Getting the children in the correct PE kit or Forest School outfits on the correct days and replying to all the consent forms. Thank you!

To all the staff who deliver lessons, support lessons, plan, adapt, change things around and make it work and carry out training days (remember back to the beginning of September!)

To Mrs Oakes and Mrs Field who book coaches and minibuses, pay the bills, send out forms, emails and collate the results – thank you.

Thank you to Ross Kitteridge, Callum and Jenna who run our PE lessons, lunch club and after school club each Tuesday in school.
